Saturday, November 24, 2018

Interesting Discussion With Someone Who Seems To Be A "Progressive Dispensationalist"

Interesting Discussion With Someone Who Seems To Be A "Progressive Dispensationalist"

Rose You make a point with regard to dispensational reversion back to the sacrifices in the Millennium. I think disps do fail to be consistent in literal interpretation but you do not really demonstrate it. But the NT never says that the right hand of God = the throne of David and it is wrong to state that it is. The King is in exile until He returns to establish it Himself. The Davidic covenant is ensured by the NC as is the Abrahamic. The Abrahamic is being fulfilled in the church and will also be in the Millennium when the Palestinian and Davidic covenants will be fulfilled. Some disps will admit the Abrahamic is being fulfilled but perhaps not all. There is no evidence for the Davidic and Palestinian being in effect in any sense today. The Bible makes a distinction between the church and Israel and so must we. But unlike disps, we should not separate them. When the NT interprets the OT it does not deny the facts stated in the OT nor should we and this is also the concern of the disp.

Hey Rose. I just typed out a reply and ended up accidentally closing the page Auh!

When it comes to their inconsistency in their literal hermeneutic I was referring especially to the covenants and promises. They read both the Tanak and N.T. differently in that regard. As most Christians are canonically challenged when it comes to the O.T. (a phrase Dr. James White came up with), while the dispensationalist is canonically challenged when it comes to the N.T. interpretation of these promises. And I do demonstrate this, in this video when speaking of dispensationalism and the Davidic covenant, as well as other videos, articles at length. (will post a couple)

As for the N.T. not mentioning Jesus enthroned as the "Son of God" of [Ps 2], which is the enthronement of Messiah, we have from Acts 2-Rev 2 with dozens of texts stating otherwise. Also. When Peter on Pentecost or Paul in Antioch etc. all over the N.T. we see tied into the enthronement of Christ passages that are speaking of the seed of David being enthroned on his seat forever [2 Sam 7:7-14; Ps 2; 72; 89; 101:1,4; Isa 55:3 Zech 6:12-13 etc,]

Jesus, as Priest & King, sits on His throne, in his temple (not made with hands) in the heavenly Zion/Land. This is [Heb 7-8; 11; 12:18f], in which [Zech 6] and especially [Ps 110:4] are applied to him, in the Davidic tabernacle.

As for the King being in exile. Jesus at the cross made an "exodus! Therefore exile was no more! He entered the very presence of God, in the heavenly tabernacle/land/zion." (This is brought out in a number of Gospel texts) When Israel wasn't in exile they were in the land, where the temple dwelt. The very Presence of God on earth within the MHP. This is Jesus who is KING. Not in exile, but in the presence of God, i.e. the land.

I believe the main covenant is the Abrahamic, and the Davidic and New covenants extend from that. So in a sense, we agree there.

As for the Abrahamic being partly filled within the church. This admission of the dispensationalist destroys their Church/Israel distinction! The second main hermeneutical pillar. Yet parts of the Abrahamic covenant I guess just "slipped through" into the church age.

When it comes to the supposed Palestinian covenant which is based upon [Gen 17[..I do not see a difference between Gen 17 and the land promise of [Gen 12; 15]. So instead of 4 covenants that contain Israel's promises, I see 3. Abrahamic, Davidic, & New.

You criticize Dispensational at points and at other's, you seem to agree and hold to their distinct doctrine and theology to some degree. Would you be a "Progressive Dispensationalist" by any chance?

You state when the NT interprets the OT it doesn't change things. Nothing could be further from the truth. The N.T. writer's had different Jewish methods and other's when interpreting a text.

(Will post a video demonstrating this with an article(

Thanks for the comments and observations. God speed.

Paul & Israel's Covenantal Promises [Acts 13; Rom 10; 2 Cor 2-7; Eph 2:11f]

A Proper Hermeneutic N.T. Interprets The O.T. Promises.& Dispensationalism Failure


Paul's Apologetic & Fulfillment of the Abrahamic, Davidic, & New Covenants:
                                                 An Exposition of [2 Cor 2-7]

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